Anderson Crowdster Plus 2 Koa Custom left handed guitar 9/29/12

There is no other guitar like a Crowdster. Acoustic tone? You bet. Electric tone? Killer. Blend the two? Like nothing you've heard. Now add stainless steel frets and a neck like you've always dreamed of, put a Koa top on it, and you have this magnificent guitar.
Crowdster Plus 2 Koa Custom pictures by jerrysleftyguitars - Photobucket
Greg Ferrara & Anderson Crowdster Plus - YouTube
Crowdster Plus 2-voice guitar demo - YouTube

Gretsch Brian Setzer left handed guitar 9/29/12

I try to keep every Gretsch model that is available lefty in stock. They make leftys in a rotating schedule so sometimes it is many months to get certain models. They just made some new Setzers.
Brian Setzer pictures by jerrysleftyguitars - Photobucket

Larrivee RS-4 Rootbeer P90 left handed guitar 9/29/12

This is probably the least flamed top I've seen on an RS-4, yet it is my favorite top. The Rootbeer Burst just works for this top.
RS-4 Rootbeer P90 pictures by jerrysleftyguitars - Photobucket

Santa Cruz OM/PWR Sunburst used left handed guitar 9/29/12

Santa Cruz has a great eye for sunburst finish. This guitar is in mint condition and has an outstanding voice.
OM PWR Sunburst used pictures by jerrysleftyguitars - Photobucket                                                                                             

Huss & Dalton Road Series OM Adi/Mahog left handed guitar 9/29/12

All the hand made goodness built into every H&D guitar, but in a stripped down, very limited edition.
This one is one of the very few with an adirondack top.
Road Series OM Adirondack and Mahogany pictures by jerrysleftyguitars - Photobucket

Suhr Classic Custom Trans Pink left handed guitar 9/29/12

A customer was here a couple of weeks ago and said "Hey, that's not on your website". He was correct, I had forgotten to post this.
Classic Custom Trans Pink pictures by jerrysleftyguitars - Photobucket

Bourgeois Signature Small Jumbo left handed guitar 9/18/12

My favorite Bourgeois model in it's most luscious flavor, Madagascar and Adirondack.
Signature Small Jumbo 2 pictures by jerrysleftyguitars - Photobucket
I have six more guitars I'll try to get on the blog tomorrow.

Anderson Custom Classic used left handed guitar 9/18/12

Perfect condition used Anderson Classic. The guitarist who plays the live music for the Broadway show "Wicked" uses this exact spec guitar (in the righty version).
Classic Custom Baby Blue used pictures by jerrysleftyguitars - Photobucket

Goodall Aloha left handed acoustic guitar 9/9/12

My second Goodall this year after about 3 years of no guitars. James is building fewer than 100 guitars a year now and has more than a two year backlog.
Aloha Grand Concert pictures by jerrysleftyguitars - Photobucket