Waterloo WL-14 Black X braced, Truss rod left handed guitar 3/17/16

The last two lefty Waterloo WL-14s for the next year or so (yes, Collings is that far backed up on Waterloo orders). I ordered these last two with X bracing, truss rods, and a smaller V neck than standard. One is sold and one is available. The ladder braced on the website is sold. $2100 list, $1890 MAP.
Waterloo WL-14 Black left handed guitar | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Larrivee P-01 ISS Limited Edition left handed guitar 3/14/16

Chris Hadfield took a Larrivee P-01 to the international Space Station and recorded the first music video from outer space and then recorded a whole CD from the Space Station. Guitar is signed by Commander Chris Hadfield and Jean Larrivee. $1550 list, $1175 MAP.
Larrivee P-01 ISS left handed guitar. | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Larrivée Guitars - Products
Space Oddity - YouTube

Fender FSR American Standard Strat used left handed guitar 3/14/16

This FSR has a Fender supplied replacement neck. The original neck arrived with a chip on the headstock so they sent a replacement neck. $899.
Fender FSR American Standard Strat Surf Green used left handed guitar | Flickr - Photo Sharing!