Taylor GA3E 12 string used left handed guitar 4/6/17

Taylor GA3E 12 string guitar. Mint condition. Built in electronics. $1898 list, $949 used price.
Taylor GA3E 12 string used left handed guitar | Flickr

Burns Double Six White 12 string left handed guitar 4/6/17

I saw these in righty at the NAMM show in January. I asked if Burns would make me a lefty. They said they would have it to me in 10 weeks. They were good at their word. $1395 list, $1095 MAP
Burns Double Six White 12 string left handed guitar | Flickr
Double Six Guitars London
Burns Double Six String Electric Guitar Review With Tom Quayle iGuitar Magazine - YouTube
Burns Double Six - YouTube

G&L ASAT Classic Butterscotch used left handed guitar 4/4/17

Only 5.6 lbs for a solid (not hollow) wood guitar. A new record here I think. Perfect condition ASAT Classic. $2099 list, used price $1099.
G&L ASAT Classic Butterscotch left handed guitar | Flickr
G&L® ASAT® Classic
G&L ASAT Classic Guitar - YouTube

1983 Dean USA V Blueburst used left handed guitar 4/3/17

Was 1983 really 34 years ago? I guess so. Excellent condition V for the 80s metal monster within. $2095.
1983 Dean USA V Blueburst used left handed guitar | Flickr