Goodall Aloha Koa Grand Concert left handed guitar 9/6/18
A perfect condition used Goodall Grand Concert. Great action and the sublime sound that James Goodall manages to coax from every one of his guitars. $5400 street price, my price $3349.
Click for more photos.
Goodall specs webpage.
Eastman E20P Sunburst left handed guitar 9/6/18
The ever wonderful E20P Adirondack/Rosewood parlor guitar. $1650 list, $1319 MAP.
Click for more photos.
E20P specs webpage.
Eastman MD315 Classic left handed guitar 9/6/18
Three MD315s came in last week. Two sold and one is on layaway. This one is sold.
Click for more photos.
Eastman MD315 Classic left handed mandolin 9/6/18
Eastman's satin finish F style mandolin. On layaway. $875 list, $699 MAP.
Click for more photos.
MD315 specs webpage.
Eastman MD815/v left handed mandolin 9/6/18
Eastman MD815/v varnish Adirondack/Maple F style F hole mandolin. $2199 list, $1759 MAP.
Click for more photos.
MD815/v specs webpage
Eastman MD814/v Black left handed mandolin 9/6/18
Eastman's Adirondack/Maple F style, oval hole mandolin in Black. This varnish series instruments have the feel and the sound of vintage instruments. $2199 list, $1759 MAP.
Click for more photos.
MD814/v specs webpage.
Eastman E20 OMCE left handed guitar 9/6/18
I finally get the E20 OMCE and they are discontinued. Why? Adirondack/Rosewood cutaway with electronics. Get one of two leftys ever made. $1850 list, $1479 MAP.
Click for more photos.
E20 OM specs webpage.
Eastman SB58/v Amber left handed guitar 9/6/18
Eastman's new solid bodies are every bit as good as their semi-hollows. $2299 list, $1839 MAP.
Weight: 7.8 lbs (and not chambered!)
Condition: New aged.
Click for more photos.
SB59/v specs webpage.
Gibson R8 vs Eastman SB59/v video demo.
Guitar Magazine video demo.