Bourgeois Aged Tone D Brazilian left handed guitar 11/20/13

Aged Tone top (with a little subtle bearclaw), Brazilian Rosewood back and sides, hide glue, and Dana's tone tapping artistry. This is the best sounding dread I've ever had in the shop. Best. Ever. I have to apologize to Evan (the new owner) for delaying the shipping a couple of days so I could revel in the sound of this guitar. I now have an inkling why the brazilian rosewood guitars of the 1930s are so revered. I've used the words "clarity" and "note separation" when discussing various guitars in the past. My definitions of those words in terms of guitars has changed radically since hearing this guitar. Also, the notes JUMP out of this guitar. No messing about in the box. You miss or don't fully hit a string in a chord, you hear it. You hit it softy, it sounds soft. Hit it hard, it sounds loud. No forgiveness for sloppy playing (the only kind I got!). If this was not a 9K guitar, I would have one in every Bourgeois model as my personal guitars. I want one so bad in a Small Jumbo.
Bourgeois Aged Tone D Brazilian left handed guitar. - a set on Flickr

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